Linda Straub
History in the Making
Erie, Pa 

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Read the story below about how I was
blessed to give
Governor Sarah Palin
 the necklace she is wearing here. 
Hi everyone-
I have got to share this story with all of you. I was blessed with a friend getting me a ticket to the Palin Rally yesterday. As soon as I knew I would be able to go I felt it was for a purpose. Attached I have a letter I wrote to Gov. Sarah Palin.  I made her a necklace and put a letter in the box. Letter is below. I was there alone (difficult for me to do) but I ended up meeting everyone in line & we all shared our stories. I read my letter to them. I must have asked 5 different people working on stage if they could get it to her. Everyone said no way. The secret service men said you can't hand her anything either. One girl said she would send it to the headquarters where she sends 100 other things a day. I passed. I really felt if this was truly being led by God that he would work it all out. If not then it wasn't meant to be. Her secret service men discussed the stairs in front of where I was, right up front (after a 5 hour wait to get that spot) They were talking about not having her go down the stairs because of how they were positioned. Well, when it was time Gov. Palin  pointed right to those stairs and proceeded  right to me. I handed her my gift and told her I handmade it for her and that I was a small business owner here in Erie;  if she would be able to take take it. She thanked me graciously, handed it to her assistant and brought her hand back to shake mine. If you go to the link you will see pictures. Look for the white box under the assistants arm.  I had a team on the mission with me with all the people around me. we all got emotional when it actually happened and all the people around saw what a God moment it was. The chances of this happening were so minute it's amazing. It was so perfectly orchestrated it was unreal. Not to mention I am very claustrophobic and I withstood 8,000 people behind and around me to accomplish this task. God is truly amazing beyond our comprehension.   I was also interviewed by 2 T.V stations where they asked me if I was worried about the poles. I told them our faith was much stronger than what the polls say. They of course did not show that part of the interview but that's ok. On the Buffalo T.V. station they said Ohio has Bob the plumber but Pennsylvania has "Linda, the small business owner" and showed me with my sign outside (which they confiscated inside).  What an awesome day!!!!

This is the letter I wrote to her that was in the box with the necklace.

Dear Governor Sarah Palin –

This is a gift for you. It is significant in many ways. I am a small business owner in the early stages of attempts at creating a successful business in the midst of a struggling economy. For that reason I have faith in and am in support of Senator McCain and yourself to help the people who are not afraid to work for their money in the middle class of society. The necklace pendant is made of Bloodwood. This is an exotic wood from overseas that was reclaimed from a pallet. Significant, in that I have faith that you both will help keep our jobs here, rather than sending them overseas. The color of this wood is not stained or tainted in anyway, only sanded and polished. The color is real. Please let this be a reminder for you to stay as real as you are to us right now. Politics has a way of tainting people.  Again this wood is called Bloodwood. I chose this wood specifically for you so it reminds you of our Lord who sent his son to shed his blood for us. This is another of the many reasons I support you both. I have the utmost of faith that you are both being led by God in this grand endeavor to help put back the morals and standards that this country was founded on. Together we can say and mean “In God we trust”. 

The story gets better
The next day my husband was watching television and he started shouting to me to get in the living room. There at her rally in York, Pa. was Governor Palin with the necklace on that I gave her. She wore it all day even when she changed. The chances of this happening are so slim. First that I would even be able to get it to her. Then that it would actually end up in her hands following the rally with her busy schedule. Then for her to connect with that letter like I believe she did. Enough so that she felt it worthy to wear in the midst of a major campaign with a microscopic eye on her at all times. I was humbled and overwhelmed to say the least! I burst into tears. She could not have thanked me more in any other way. I felt so confirmed in God's plan that he had for me that day. He proved faithful yet again to orchestrate everything so perfectly! I wrote a letter of thanks to her recently that you can read below.

Coverage regarding this story from our local station
JET-TV 24  & Fox 66

Local Entrepreneur Makes Mark on National Stage Play Media      
Sarah Palin is wearing a necklace on the campaign trail

See more Pictures of Governor Palin at the York, Pa. Rally
with the necklace on that I gave her. 

Click here

Greta's interview with Governor Palin on her bus with her family
  Click here

Letter I wrote Governor Palin on 11/11/2008

Governor Sarah Palin,

Hi!  I am the one who gave you the bloodwood necklace at the rally in Erie, Pa. I thought I would let things settle down a bit before I wrote. I am not sure you will see this even now. I am sure you are still getting hundreds of E-mails. But I am having faith that it will end up in your hands, just as I did that day at the rally. I just wanted to take a minute to let you know how much you blessed me, by wearing the necklace I gave you, the next day in Ohio and with your interview with Greta. I was brought to tears, humbled by Gods plan unfolding. I too am led by faith and was specifically directed to go to that rally that day and do what I did. I truly wanted to thank you for all you are doing. God orchestrated the day perfectly and I was confirmed of his plan with you next day. I love your answer to Greta about 2012. How could you know until God opens that door for you? I get that!! And I am so glad that you do too! The only answer I wasn't sure how I felt about in last nights interview  was when you said that it is not YOU that the people like but the representation of a women in the office etc.  I beg to differ with you Sarah. I realize you are being humble by not calling attention to yourself and that is good. However, YOU need to know God has created YOU to make a difference. YOU are a light to all of us. YOU are attractive in many ways to many people and we are drawn to YOUR positive energy. YOU light up the darkness of Politics for many of us. YOU are an inspiration to mothers and wives across the country balancing motherhood with a career. I told my husband last night, it is your personality, your values and the choices that you make that make you the kind of person that I (and I am sure many others) would want to have as a friend, a mentor and a leader. You and I both know that it is God working through you and he gets the glory. It is God’s image that you represent. However, never discredit that it takes daily (even hourly) choices for YOU to choose that path. So although it may not be appropriate to draw attention to yourself on National T.V. I guess I just wanted you to know that YOU yourself are who a lot of us admire and are in support of.

When the votes came in my heart ached for you. You have no idea how I could feel you’re hurt. It was strange for me. I literally felt sick and was in tears. Then a feeling came over me that you need to know.  God said he has bigger plans for you. This was not your place at this particular time. It was not all in vain, but all an integral part of your journey.  God’s bigger plans may not be society’s idea of bigger plans. All I know for sure is he is using you in big ways to continue to make big differences. 2012? Only you will know that when the time is right. My husband and I pray each night for you and your family. I pray that you will have clear direction in whatever plans he has for you Sarah. I am also here to say that should you need anything in Pa. that is within my power or God’s power through me I am here to assist you in any way I can.

My family would love to meet your family some day and I have a strong feeling that we may. Who knows what God has in store for either one of us? All I know is that there is a freedom in knowing that he has it all under control and already planned out for us. All we need to follow his path.  I wish you and your family blessings beyond your comprehension during the holidays and in the upcoming months and years of your journey.


With the utmost of sincerity,    

 Linda Straub

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